Ernest Hemingway's iconic novel "The Sun Also Rises" tells the story of a group of American and British writers and artists in Paris and Spain in the late 1920s. The novel explores themes of love, loss, and searching for meaning in a generation disillusioned by the aftermath of World War I. This captivating narrative is characterized by Hemingway's spare, concise writing style and vivid character portrayals.
This annotated edition includes additional materials that will help you gain a deeper understanding of "The Sun Also Rises." It includes a biography that provides detailed information about the historical context of the novel, as well as Hemingway's life and works. Summaries of all of Hemingway's other books are also included, allowing you to explore his oeuvre more comprehensively.
A must-have for anyone who loves Hemingway's work or is interested in classic literature, "The Sun Also Rises (Annotated)" will allow you to rediscover this masterpiece in a new light.
Order today to rediscover this unforgettable novel from a new perspective!