The renowned detective Hercule Poirot once again faces off against 'The Big Four', a mysterious organization threatening the world. This dangerous quartet wreaks havoc across the globe with their hidden identities and insidious plans. As Poirot uses his wit and knowledge to solve this challenging case, he is also forced to confront his own past.
This thrilling novel is one of the finest examples of Agatha Christie's creativity. Poirot's sharp intelligence, compelling storytelling, and unexpected twists provide a captivating experience that keeps the reader enthralled from start to finish. Big Four is considered a classic among detective novels and offers readers the opportunity to truly experience Christie's brilliance.
Why you will love reading this novel:
Big Four will provide you with a captivating reading experience from beginning to end. Step into Agatha Christie's world and witness Hercule Poirot unravel the mystery.