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The Virgin Suicides - Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition | Picador Modern Classics

The Virgin Suicides: A Novel (Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition) (Picador Modern Classics, 2)

Jeffrey Eugenides's groundbreaking novel, The Virgin Suicides, offers a haunting and poignant story. Set in the Detroit suburbs in the early 1970s, the novel tells the tragic tale of the Lisbon sisters, five beautiful and enigmatic young girls. Struggling with their mother's mysterious death and their father's disinterest, the sisters find themselves walled off from the outside world. Surrounded by the secret glances and fantasies of their male neighbors, the sisters' fate takes a turn forever with one fleeting decision.

The Virgin Suicides paints a moving portrait of societal pressures, teenage rebellion, and loss. Eugenides's dazzling prose and his deep dive into the characters' inner worlds transport readers to the nostalgic atmosphere of the 1970s and allows them to explore universal themes of loss, love, dreams, and regret.

With its twenty-fifth anniversary edition, The Virgin Suicides becomes even more captivating for a new generation of readers. This unforgettable novel continues to enthrall readers around the world and helps us understand the fragility of youth and the yearning for freedom.

The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides, Picador Modern Classics, novel, literature, youth, loss, love, family, 1970s, Detroit, suburb, sisters, tragic story, book lovers

The Virgin Suicides: A Novel (Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition) (Picador Modern Classics, 2)

%36 Discount
834.53 TL
532.71 TL
%36 Discount
834.53 TL
532.71 TL
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