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The unisex crew neck sweater, which offers both style and comfort with its woven trim details, adapts to any environment. It has a wide user base with its design that appeals to all age groups. It promises long-lasting use thanks to its high-quality woven material. It can be easily preferred in different environments from day to night. It has a wide user base with its regular fit and size options that children can also enjoy. It can be easily combined with its plain pattern presented in a single piece.
This sweater, which belongs to the unisex collection, can be comfortably used by both men and women. Its medium thickness fabric provides ideal warmth during the transition seasons. It offers timeless elegance with its dark silver color, while its long-sleeved design provides extra protection in cold weather. Woven fabric increases durability while knitted weave type provides flexibility. Its regular silhouette has a structure that hugs the body but does not tighten.