Twister is a classic party game produced by Hasbro Gaming that is suitable for ages 6 and up. It features a colorful game mat with four different colored circles. Players place their hands and feet on these circles according to the instructions on the spinning wheel. The goal of the game is to follow the instructions without making other players lose their balance and fall off the mat.
The goal of the game is to place your hands and feet on the circles on the mat according to the instructions on the spinning wheel and maintain this position without making other players lose their balance and fall off the mat. The wheel gives instructions like “right hand red”, “left foot green”, “left hand blue”. Players must follow the instructions and try not to fall off the mat at the same time.
Join the fun with Twister! Spend quality time with your friends and family, improve your coordination, balance and flexibility. Twister is a game where you can create unforgettable memories for everyone!