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3-Piece Copper Mırra Coffee Pot Set with Silver Plating and Embroidery - Stylish and Elegant Design

3-Piece Copper Mırra Coffee Pot Set with Silver Plating and Embroidery

Cezve, an indispensable part of traditional Turkish coffee culture, now has an even more special and elegant look! The 3-piece copper mırra coffee pot set with silver plating and embroidery will add a glamorous elegance to both your kitchen and your table.

Our coffee pots, which allow you to brew your coffee with an unparalleled taste thanks to copper's natural heat transfer property, have become even more valuable with silver plating. The delicate embroidery adds a stylish touch to your coffee pots, making them the star of your special occasions.

The coffee pots in 3 different sizes will meet your different needs. The small coffee pot is ideal for brewing coffee for one person. The medium coffee pot is suitable for brewing coffee for 2-3 people. The large coffee pot is designed for brewing coffee for 4-5 people.

The 3-piece copper mırra coffee pot set with silver plating and embroidery can be preferred not only for brewing your coffee, but also as a special and meaningful gift option for your loved ones.

  • Silver plating
  • 3 different sizes
  • Copper material
  • Handmade
  • Stylish and elegant design

Order now to keep traditional Turkish coffee culture alive and add elegance to your tables!

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Silver Plated Embroidered 3-Piece Copper Mırra Coffee Pot Set

6,460.00 TL
6,460.00 TL
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Return Possibility Within 14 Days
Delivery in 7-10 Business Days
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tr-flag.svg (1002 b) Türkiye
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