This product will be shipped by [page="merchant_info"]masaldenizi[/page]. There are fewer than 5 items in stock for sale at the campaign price. One product can be sold by multiple sellers. Sellers of products offered for sale by multiple sellers are ranked according to the prices they set for the product, seller scores, delivery statuses, promotions on products, whether shipping is free or not, whether products are delivered with fast delivery, and product stock and category information. A maximum of 5 units of this product can be ordered. Modazone reserves the right to cancel orders over 5 units. This limit does not apply to corporate orders, and different limits may be set for corporate orders. Free return within 15 days. Click [page="return_conditions"]here[/page] for details.
Package Contents: 1 Silk·expert Pro 5 with standard attachment, 1 precision attachment, 1 Face Mini Shaver, 1 Venus Swirl razor, 1 Design Bag
This is not a laser hair removal device, it is a product that uses advanced IPL technology to provide you with smooth skin for up to 6 months without leaving your home, with visible hair reduction in just 4 weeks (74% reduction in hair after 12 weeks of treatment - average value for bikini, legs, underarms. Individual results may vary).
sensor automatically adapts to your skin tone, optimizing the power for the perfect balance between fast results and gentleness on the skin. 2 precision modes ensure your skin comfort. Up to 125 flashes per minute ensures fewer skipped spots as the device glides across your skin.