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NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens: Support for Growth and Development

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens - Vitamins and Minerals for Teenage Boys and Girls - Supplement for Active Kids - with Organic Whole Foods - Non-GMO - Vegan & Vegetarian - 60 Capsules

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens is a non-GMO, vegan multivitamin supplement formulated specifically for teens in their growth and development years, backed by organic whole foods. Each capsule provides essential vitamins and minerals teens need for healthy bone development, immune support, and energy levels.

Formulated Specifically for Teen Growth and Development

Growing teens may need additional vitamin and mineral support to meet their daily nutritional needs and develop healthily. NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens is carefully formulated with select, organically grown whole foods to address these needs.

Formulated with Organic Whole Foods

This multivitamin is enriched with organic whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This helps your body absorb vitamins and minerals more effectively, creating synergistic effects.

Non-GMO and Vegan

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens is non-GMO and vegan. It contains no animal-derived ingredients and is suitable for teens following vegan diets.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Development

This multivitamin contains essential vitamins and minerals teens need, including:

  • Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K
  • B Complex Vitamins
  • Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and Magnesium

Suggested Use

Take one capsule daily, preferably with meals. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.


Consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any medical conditions. Keep out of reach of children.

The NATURELO Difference

NATURELO is committed to producing natural and effective supplements. Our products are manufactured to the highest quality standards and third-party tested. At NATURELO, we aim to help our customers thrive on their healthy living journey.

multivitamin for teens, organic multivitamin, vegan multivitamin, non-gmo multivitamin, growth and development, kids vitamins, NATURELO

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