This product will be shipped by [page="merchant_info"]Bundeba[/page]. There are less than 5 pieces in stock to be sold at a campaign price. A product can be sold by multiple sellers. Sellers of products offered for sale by multiple sellers are ranked according to the prices they set for the product, seller scores, delivery statuses, promotions on products, whether the cargo is free or not, whether the products are delivered with fast delivery, product stock and categories information. A maximum of 20 pieces can be ordered from this product. Modazone reserves the right to cancel orders exceeding 20 pieces. This limit is not valid for corporate orders, and different limits may be set for corporate orders. Free return within 15 days. For detailed information [page="return_conditions"]click here[/page].
The simplest answer to the question of what is alum stone is that it is pure, odorless and entirely made of salt. Alum stone is a natural mineral that offers various health and beauty benefits.
Alum stone can be used in various ways. It can be applied in powder form, diluted with water or directly. The method and frequency of use may vary depending on the condition to be treated. Before using alum stone, especially if you are using it on the skin, it is important to test it on a small area. There is a risk of allergic reaction.
Alum stone can be purchased from pharmacies, herbalists and online sales sites. Before purchasing, make sure you are buying from a reputable seller.
Alum stone is a beneficial mineral for natural beauty and health. When used correctly, it can provide solutions to various health problems and contribute to skin beauty. You can consult your doctor or a qualified health professional for more detailed information about alum stone.