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Product Description

Hajj and Umrah Set | For 50 People | Covers All Your Needs

**Hajj and Umrah Set Model 4 - For 50 People** **Contents:** * 50 pieces of ihram set (2 pieces) * 50 pieces of tawaf cover * 50 pieces of prayer rug * 50 pieces of tasbeeh * 50 pieces of zamzam bottle * 50 pieces of date box (1 kg) * 50 pieces of water bottle * 50 pieces of towel * 50 pieces of razor blade * 50 pieces of soap * 50 pieces of shampoo * 50 pieces of toothbrush and toothpaste * 50 pieces of sunscreen * 50 pieces of insect repellent * 50 pieces of earplugs * 50 pieces of eye mask * 50 pieces of laundry bag * 50 pieces of backpack * 50 pieces of passport cover * 50 pieces of name tag **Features:** * Made of high-quality materials. * Includes a backpack for easy portability. * Contains enough items for everyone. * Provides all the necessary items for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. **Benefits:** * Makes your Hajj and Umrah journey more comfortable and hassle-free. * Covers all your basic needs. * Saves you time and money. * Is a reliable and high-quality choice.

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Model 4 Hajj and Umrah Set - For 50 People

15,437.50 TL
15,437.50 TL
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