This product will be shipped by [page="merchant_info"]Mai Perla[/page]. There are less than 5 items in stock for sale at the campaign price. One product can be sold by multiple sellers. Sellers of products offered for sale by multiple sellers are ranked according to the prices they set for the product, seller ratings, delivery statuses, promotions on the products, whether the cargo is free or not, whether the products are delivered with express delivery, and information about the stock and categories of the products.
You can order a maximum of 10 pieces of this product. Modazone reserves the right to cancel orders exceeding 10 pieces. This limit is not valid for corporate orders, and different limits may be set for corporate orders.
Free return within 15 days. Click [page="return_conditions"]here[/page] for details.
The product we offer to your liking is made of 100% cotton and complies with Oeko-Tex 100 standards. Nickel-free snaps that make it easy to dress your baby were used. The prints on the product do not pose any risk to your baby's health. We recommend that you try these products, which will be a lifesaver in baby clothing, as they contain no carcinogenic substances.
We are now offering our local and world-famous Turkish Textile products to you mothers. Every product you buy from Mai Perla is guaranteed by Mai Perla. We would like to remind you once again that you have the right to an unconditional return.