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Product Description

Harden Men's Boat Shoes - Tan - Stylish and Durable

Harden Men's Boat Shoes - Tan

Harden Men's Boat Shoes are the perfect choice for those who want a stylish and durable shoe. With its leather upper and rubber sole, it offers comfort and style both in everyday life and on special occasions. The classic design of the shoe perfectly matches any outfit and ensures you always look stylish.

Product Features:

  • Leather upper
  • Rubber sole
  • Classic design
  • Comfortable and durable
  • Matches any outfit

Areas of Use:

Harden Men's Boat Shoes can be used in many different environments such as daily use, office, special occasions, and more. The stylishness and durability of the shoe will make you feel safe and comfortable everywhere you go.


To ensure that your shoes last a long time, it is recommended that you clean and maintain them regularly. You can use a suitable cleaner for the leather surface and check the sole regularly to prevent wear and tear on the rubber sole.

Size Chart:

Before ordering the shoes, you can select the most suitable size by reviewing the size chart below.

Size Foot Length (cm)
39 24.5
40 25
41 25.5
42 26
43 26.5
44 27
45 27.5


Order now and experience the style and comfort of Harden Men's Boat Shoes!

Harden, men's boat shoes, leather shoes, boat shoes, men's shoes, brown shoes, stylish shoes, durable shoes, comfortable shoes

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Men's Harden Boat Shoes Tan

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3,733.28 TL
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