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Product Description

Men's Hajj and Umrah Clothing and Necessities Kit - A Comfortable and Stylish Hajj Experience

**Men's Hajj and Umrah Clothing and Necessities Kit Cream** This set brings together all the necessities you may need during your Hajj and Umrah visits and will provide you with great convenience. All of our products are made of quality materials and are durable enough to use for many years. You can also give this set as a gift to your loved ones. The set's elegant gift box will add a touch of sophistication to your gift. **Package Contents:** * 1 Piece of Shile Fabric Shirt * 1 Piece of Linen Shalwar * 1 Piece of Skullcap * 1 Piece of Tawaaf Socks * 1 Piece of Money Bag * 1 Piece of Fragrance-Free Soap Suitable for Ihram * 1 Piece of Pocketed Undershirt * 1 Piece of Dhikr Counter * 1 Piece of 33-Bead Tasbih * 1 Piece of Zippered Pocket-Sized Quran **Features:** * Made of quality materials. * Durable and long lasting. * Presented in an elegant gift box. * Also suitable as a gift.

Men's Hajj Clothing, Umrah Necessities Kit, Hajj Set, Umrah Clothing, Hajj Clothing, Ihram Clothing

Men's Hajj Umrah Clothing and Cream Essentials Set

2,801.86 TL
2,801.86 TL
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tr-flag.svg (1002 b) Türkiye
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