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Product Description

Stress-Free and Quality Sleep Package with Melatonin, Passionflower, 5-HTP and Magnesium

Complete Package for Stress-Free and Quality Sleep

Are you experiencing sleep problems? Are stress, anxiety, and tension keeping you up at night? Don't worry, this special package containing Melatonin 3 Mg, Passionflower, 5-HTP and Magnesium is designed to provide you with a deep and restful sleep experience.

Content and Benefits

  • Melatonin 3 Mg: Helps regulate the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, makes falling asleep easier and extends sleep duration.
  • Passionflower: It is a natural sedative and relaxant, helps reduce anxiety and stress, makes falling asleep easier and improves sleep quality.
  • 5-HTP: Balances mood by increasing serotonin levels, reduces stress and improves sleep quality.
  • Magnesium: Helps muscle relaxation and relaxation, reduces anxiety and makes falling asleep easier.

Who is it suitable for?

This package is ideal for anyone experiencing sleep problems, exposed to stress and anxiety, struggling to fall asleep, and wanting to improve sleep quality.

Instructions for Use

It is advisable to follow the instructions for use specified on the product. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional, especially if you are taking medications or are pregnant.

Why Us?

Our products are manufactured to high quality standards and sourced from reliable sources. Customer satisfaction is our priority and we strive to provide you with the best experience.

Order Now and Wake Up to Stress-Free Sleep!

melatonin, passionflower, 5-htp, magnesium, sleep problem, sleep disorder, sleep quality, stress, anxiety, relaxation, sleep aid, natural sleep aid

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Melatonin 3 Mg, Passionflower, 5-HTP and Magnesium - Quality and Stress-Free Sleep Pack

702.00 TL
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702.00 TL
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Delivery in 7-10 Business Days
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