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Maxi-Cosi Emme 360 Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat: Safe and Easy Use for Babies

Maxi-Cosi Emme 360 Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat, Navy Wonder & Emme 360 All-in-One Convertible Car Seat, 360° FlexiSpin Rotational Seat

The Maxi-Cosi Emme 360 Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat is an award-winning safety and ease-of-use feature that grows with your baby, providing a secure ride from newborn to preschool. The Emme 360 features a unique FlexiSpin rotation feature, allowing parents to easily install and remove the baby, as the seat rotates 360 degrees to face the door.

The Emme 360 includes a newborn insert that provides a secure and comfortable position for your newborn baby for a comfortable ride, and headrest for a comfortable seating position. It can be used rear-facing up to 18 kg and forward-facing up to 25 kg, so it grows with your child as they get older.

The Emme 360 features a number of safety features that meet the strictest safety standards, including side impact protection, 5-point harness, and height adjustment. It's easy to install, so you can quickly and securely install it in your car and ensure peace of mind with safety.

Emme 360 Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat Features:

  • FlexiSpin rotation feature that rotates 360 degrees, making it easy to install and remove your baby
  • Newborn insert that provides a secure and comfortable position for newborns
  • Headrest for a comfortable seating position
  • Can be used rear-facing up to 18 kg, forward-facing up to 25 kg
  • Safety features like side impact protection, 5-point harness, and height adjustment
  • Easy installation

Why Choose the Emme 360 Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat?

The Emme 360 Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat is a great choice for your child's safety and comfort. The unique FlexiSpin rotation feature makes it easy for parents to install and remove the baby, while the safety features ensure that your child is safe on every trip. It's designed to be comfortable and cozy to ensure that your baby enjoys car rides.

Maxi-Cosi Emme 360, Rotating Car Seat, Convertible Car Seat, All-in-One Car Seat, Baby Safety, Car Seat, Baby Products, Emme 360

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42,914.53 TL
42,914.53 TL
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