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Product Description

Luxury Traffic Set with 1200 Amper Booster Cable in a Bag - For Vehicle Safety

Luxury Traffic Set with 1200 Amper Booster Cable in a Bag

Designed to be always prepared and provide reliable support in emergencies for your vehicles, the luxury traffic set stands out with its comprehensive content and robust structure. Presented in a bag for organized and easy portability, the set provides everything you need to ensure your safety and comfort on your journeys.

Set Contents:
- 1200 Amper Booster Cable: Offers a powerful and safe solution for instantly charging your vehicle battery.
- Powerful Flashlight: Provides illumination when needed during night travel or emergencies, enhancing your safety.
- Reflective Triangle: A safety measure that you can use to provide warning in case of vehicle breakdowns or emergencies.
- First Aid Kit: Contains essential materials for first aid in case of minor injuries or emergencies.
- Tire Repair Kit: A useful tool for quick and effective repair in case of tire punctures.
- Equipment Bag: A durable bag designed to store all parts of the set in an organized and secure manner.

All parts of the luxury traffic set are made with the highest quality materials and designed for long-lasting use. The bag has a robust and water-resistant construction, allowing you to carry your set safely in any weather conditions.

This luxury traffic set is an indispensable accessory that every vehicle owner should have. While ensuring your safety and comfort in emergencies, it will also assist you on your journeys.

traffic set, road assistance set, car set, emergency set, booster cable, 1200 amp, flashlight, reflective triangle, first aid kit, tire repair kit, bag

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