This product will be shipped by [page="merchant_info"]YALÇINOĞLU[/page]. There are less than 5 pieces in stock to be sold at the campaign price. One product can be sold by more than one seller. Sellers of products offered for sale by more than one seller are ranked according to the prices they set for the product, seller ratings, delivery statuses, promotions on the products, whether the cargo is free or not, whether the products are delivered with fast delivery, and information about the products' stock and categories. A maximum of 10 pieces of this product can be ordered. Modazone reserves the right to cancel orders over 10 pieces. This limit does not apply to corporate orders, and different limits may be set for corporate orders. Free return within 15 days. Click [page="return_conditions"]here[/page] for more information.
Do not iron hot. - Made of hypoallergenic, skin-friendly special fabric. Delicate washing is recommended at 30 degrees. Do not use bleach. Do not tumble dry. Our products are definitely natural production and do not contain carcinogenic substances. Our product has a comfortable cut. Never sweats. Its soft fabric is friendly to your baby's skin and allows it to move freely. It is padded with fleece.