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Product Description

Ihram: Specially Designed Ihrams for Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage

Our ihrams are specially designed to be used during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. Our products consist of two pieces and are made of bamboo or cotton fabric.

The bamboo ihram is breathable and moisture-wicking, providing a comfortable wear even in hot weather. The cotton ihram, on the other hand, is made from a soft and skin-friendly fabric, making it ideal for sensitive skin.

Our ihrams are designed in accordance with the etiquette of wearing ihram. They consist of two pieces: a rida and an izar. The rida is a large piece of cloth that covers the upper body. The izar is a piece of cloth that covers the lower body from the waist down.

Our ihrams are carefully crafted to meet all the features you need when performing the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. With their comfortable and stylish designs, they help you perform your ibadah in peace.

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Ihram. Umrah Ihram. Hajj Ihram. Bamboo Ihram. Cotton Ihram. 2 Pieces

Genel Markalar
2,437.37 TL
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2,437.37 TL
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tr-flag.svg (1002 b) Türkiye
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