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Product Description

Shadow Boxer Pro | Boxing Resistance Bands | Ideal for Home Boxing Workouts

GYRO FITNESS | Shadow Boxer Pro | Boxing Resistance Bands Set

Shadow Boxer Pro is a specially designed boxing resistance band set that helps you take your home boxing workouts to the next level. This set allows boxers to improve their movement, increase their strength, and refine their technique.

Benefits of Shadow Boxer Pro:

  • Improved Range of Motion: Resistance bands help you expand your range of motion and allow your muscles to gain full mobility.
  • Increased Strength and Endurance: Using resistance bands creates constant tension on your muscles throughout all movements, which helps you increase your strength and endurance.
  • Helps Improve Technique: Resistance bands slow down your movements, helping you improve your technique and force you to be stronger and more accurate with every punch.
  • Ideal for Home Practice: Shadow Boxer Pro is the perfect tool for practicing boxing comfortably at home.
  • Easy to Use: Resistance bands are easy to attach and detach to your body.

What's in the Shadow Boxer Pro Set?

  • 2 Resistance Bands
  • 2 Wrist Connections
  • 2 Ankle Connections

How to Use Shadow Boxer Pro?

Attach the resistance bands to the connections located on your wrists or ankles. Then, start performing various boxing movements. The resistance bands will create constant tension on your muscles throughout your movements, making your workout more challenging.

Take Your Boxing Workout to the Next Level with Shadow Boxer Pro!

Shadow Boxer Pro is the ideal tool for home boxing practice, helping boxers improve their movement, increase their strength, and refine their technique. This set will bring a new challenge to your training routine, making you a stronger, more durable, and more skilled boxer.

boxing resistance bands, shadow boxing, boxing workout, home boxing, boxing equipment, sports equipment, fitness, health, resistance training

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2,614.58 TL
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