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Product Description

Airlab Microfiber Glass Cleaning Cloth 6-Piece Pack - Streak-Free Shine

Product Description

Meet Airlab Microfiber Glass Cleaning Cloths; a premium quality solution that offers scratch-free, streak-free, and perfectly shiny cleaning. This 6-pack consists of durable and long-lasting microfiber cloths, each measuring 12" x 12" (30cm x 30cm), in a silver-orange color. Airlab cloths easily clean even the toughest dirt while being soft enough not to scratch delicate surfaces. Get rid of annoying streaks and smudges and enjoy a dazzling shine on your windows, mirrors, electronic screens, and more. Airlab Microfiber Glass Cleaning Cloths are specially designed to provide a unique cleaning experience. The high-quality microfiber material provides exceptional absorbency and effectively traps dust, dirt, fingerprints, and other residues. Thanks to its lint-free structure, it provides a flawless cleaning without leaving any marks or stains on the surfaces. These cloths are also extremely durable and can be washed and reused many times, making them both an economical and environmentally friendly option. The compact 12" x 12" size makes Airlab cloths easy to carry and store. You can easily store them in your bag, car, or any corner of your home. Offering versatile use, these cloths are not only for glass cleaning but also provide excellent results on mirrors, car windows, stainless steel appliances, electronic screens (phone, tablet, television), kitchen countertops, bathroom tiles, and many other surfaces. Thanks to their durable structure, they provide long-term use and eliminate the need to change cloths frequently. Save time and energy with Airlab Microfiber Glass Cleaning Cloths while always enjoying the perfect clean.

Product Features

  • Scratch-free and lint-free cleaning
  • 12" x 12" (30cm x 30cm) size
  • 6-pack
  • Silver-orange color
  • Durable and long-lasting microfiber material
  • High absorbency
  • Versatile use (glass, mirror, electronic screens, stainless steel, etc.)
  • Easy to carry and store
  • Washable and reusable
  • Economical and environmentally friendly

Additional Information

Airlab Microfiber Glass Cleaning Cloths are an ideal solution for anyone who wants to achieve professional cleaning results. Whether you use them at home, in the office, in the car, or while traveling, these cloths make your cleaning tasks easier and save you time. For best results, wash the cloths with warm water and let them air dry. Avoid using bleach or fabric softener.

Microfiber cloth, glass cleaning cloth, cleaning cloth, mirror cleaning, screen cleaning, dusting cloth, stain removal, scratch-free cleaning, multipurpose cloth, car cleaning cloth

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494.19 TL
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