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A maximum of 20 pieces can be ordered from this product. Modazone reserves the right to cancel orders exceeding 20 pieces. This limit is not valid for corporate orders, and different limits may be set for corporate orders. Free return within 15 days. For detailed information [page="return_conditions"]click here[/page].
This stylish and durable prayer rug is designed with a blend of 70% velvet and 30% polyester material. It has Type 0 washing instructions, which provides easy care, so you can keep your prayer rug looking like new for a long time. Its fringe-free (overlock) design provides a modern and simple look, combining traditional prayer rug aesthetics with a contemporary touch.
This stylish and durable prayer rug is a perfect choice for those who pray. It is easy to clean and care for, so it will stay looking like new for a long time. Its fringe-free design adds a modern look and complements any decor. You can pray with peace and serenity with this prayer rug.