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Eco Tactical L-Carnitine 4000 mg 1000 mL (Cuba Libre Cocktail/Cola-Lime) - Energy & Endurance Drink

Eco Tactical L-Carnitine 4000 mg 1000 mL (Cuba Libre Cocktail/Cola-Lime)

Eco Tactical L-Carnitine 4000 mg 1000 mL is an energy drink designed for athletes and active individuals, containing a high dose of L-carnitine. With its Cuba Libre cocktail flavor (cola-lime), it aims to keep you motivated by providing extra energy and focus during your workouts or in your daily routine.

Benefits of Eco Tactical L-Carnitine:

  • Increased energy and endurance: L-carnitine contributes to the body's energy production by speeding up fat burning, helping you last longer in your workouts.
  • Performance enhancement: L-carnitine helps optimize your performance by helping muscles recover faster and reducing muscle cramps.
  • Focus and concentration: L-carnitine can help you be more effective in your workouts by increasing mental focus and concentration.
  • Detoxification: L-carnitine helps eliminate toxins from the body and supports your overall health.

Usage Recommendation:

Consume 1-2 bottles of Eco Tactical L-Carnitine per day before workouts or as needed. Regular use is recommended for optimal results.


  • Consult your doctor before using Eco Tactical L-Carnitine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have any health conditions or are taking medications.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in a cool and dry place.

Reach new heights in your workouts with Eco Tactical L-Carnitine 4000 mg 1000 mL! 💪

L-carnitine, energy drink, endurance, performance enhancement, focus, concentration, detoxification, sports drink, cuba libre, cola-lime, eco tactical

Eco Tactical L-Carnitine 4000 mg 1000 mL (Cuba Libre Cocktail/Cola-Lemon)

BPN Best Plus Nutrition
395.20 TL
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395.20 TL
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