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Does your baby love to play with water? That's great, Eifin's unique soft hooded towel is waiting next to your bathtub. Made entirely of natural bamboo and pure cotton, this product is ready to dry your baby's delicate skin, with its hood section at the right depth... It also comes with two bags. These unique soft bags will massage your baby's delicate skin and soothe it. You will definitely not be able to give up these bags. You will not be able to leave them behind, not only in the bathroom, but also on the beach and at the swimming pool.
Produced in our own production facilities, it has OEKO-TEX standard 100 class 1 (high resilience standards for baby skins) certificate. It is made of 70% natural bamboo and 30% pure cotton. It has natural antibacterial properties from bamboo fiber. Designed for delicate baby skins. Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees.