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Product Description

Babyjem Rattle Stroller Ring 876 Grey - Baby Toy

Product Description

Babyjem Rattle Stroller Ring 876 Grey is a fun and engaging toy designed to help your baby develop their sensory and motor skills. The transparent rattle with colorful balls makes pleasant and stimulating sounds that capture your baby's attention and keep them entertained for hours. This toy is perfect for babies 3 months and older and comes with a practical clip that easily attaches to strollers, cribs, or play areas. Babyjem Rattle Stroller Ring supports your baby's hand-eye coordination, motor skills, imagination, and sensory development while providing a fun and safe play experience. Made of soft and durable materials, this toy is safe for your baby's little hands and designed for long-lasting use. With its vibrant colors and engaging sounds that stimulate your baby's senses, the Babyjem Rattle Stroller Ring is an excellent companion during the early stages of your baby's development. The product's lightweight and compact design makes it an ideal toy for travel and outings. Whether your baby is in the car, at the park, or at home, this rattle toy will always bring the fun. This product, shipped by Dinamiksanat, is sold at a discounted price and is in stock. This product, which can be sold by multiple sellers, is ranked according to the best price, fast delivery, and seller ratings. You can order a maximum of 10 of this product and you have the right to return it for free within 15 days.

Product Features

  • Suitable for babies 3 months and older.
  • Rattle stroller ring, with the sounds in the transparent rattle consisting of colorful balls, attracts your baby's attention and allows you to have a fun time.
  • Helps develop your baby's hand-eye coordination, motor development, imagination, auditory focus, visual and sensory perceptions.
  • Thanks to its special clip, it can be easily hung on your baby's bed or stroller.
  • Product Dimensions: 6x12 cm.

Additional Information

This product will be shipped by Dinamiksanat. More than 10 stocks have been offered for sale at a promotional price. A product can be sold by multiple sellers. Products offered for sale by multiple sellers are ranked according to the price they set for the product, seller ratings, delivery statuses, promotions on the products, whether the shipping is free or not, and whether the products can be delivered with fast delivery, product stock and category information. A maximum of 10 of this product can be ordered. Trendyol reserves the right to cancel orders over 10 units. This limit does not apply to corporate orders, and different limits can be determined for corporate orders. Free return within 15 days.

Baby, toy, rattle, stroller, development, sensory, motor, skills, hand-eye coordination, fun

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Babyjem Rattle Stroller Ring 876 Grey

Genel Markalar
347.09 TL
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347.09 TL
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Return Possibility Within 14 Days
Delivery in 7-10 Business Days
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tr-flag.svg (1002 b) Türkiye
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