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Weapons and Equipment Supply in the Army of Amir Timur (Uzbek Edition)

Weapons and Equipment Supply in the Army of Amir Timur (Uzbek Edition)

Amir Timur is considered one of the greatest and most successful commanders in history. His army was renowned for its discipline, strategic brilliance, and superior equipment. This book focuses on the weapons and equipment used in Timur's army, delving deep into the military technology and warfare tactics of the time.

The work presents a captivating and informative text enriched with detailed illustrations and diagrams. It addresses topics such as the construction techniques of Timur's army's weapons, their use in battle, the equipment of the warriors, and the training of horses.

Weapons and Equipment Supply in the Army of Amir Timur (Uzbek Edition) is an excellent resource for history enthusiasts, military history researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about the life of Timur.

  • Provides an in-depth look at the history of weapons and equipment in Amir Timur's army.
  • Examines the various weapons, armor, and other equipment used in the army.
  • Discusses Timur's military strategies and tactics.
  • Enriched with detailed illustrations and diagrams.
  • Written in the Uzbek language.

By acquiring this book, you can gain a better understanding of the strength and success of Timur's army and gain knowledge about the military technology and warfare tactics of that era.

Amir Timur, Timur, Military History, Weapon, Equipment, Army, Uzbek Book, History Book

Arms and Equipment Supply in the Army of Amir Timur (Uzbek Edition)

1,999.11 TL
1,999.11 TL
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