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Adel Blues 56 Piece Bone China Dinner Set Gld01 - Stylish and Modern Design

Adel Blues 56 Piece Bone China Dinner Set Gld01

The Adel Blues 56 Piece Bone China Dinner Set Gld01 adds elegance to your tables with its stylish and modern design. Made of durable bone china, the set is ideal for everyday use. Its rich content of 56 pieces meets the needs of large families and those who love to entertain guests. The set includes 12 dinner plates, 12 soup plates, 12 dessert plates, 12 teacups, 12 saucers, 1 gravy boat, 1 sugar bowl, 1 creamer and 1 teapot.

Adel Blues dinner set has a stylish and elegant design that will make every meal more enjoyable.

Product Features:
•Material: Bone China
•Piece Count: 56
•Color: Blues
•Dishwasher Safe: Yes
•Microwave Safe: No

Package Contents:
•12 dinner plates
•12 soup plates
•12 dessert plates
•12 teacups
•12 saucers
•1 gravy boat
•1 sugar bowl
•1 creamer
•1 teapot

Give your tables a stylish and modern look with the Adel Blues dinner set!

Adel Blues dinner set, bone china, dinnerware, 56 pieces, stylish design, modern design, everyday use, family, guest, table

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Adel Blues 56-Piece Bone China Dinner Set Gld01

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25,998.70 TL
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