Product Description
The 852 X-448 Men's Classic Shoe is a stylish and comfortable option with its special design that attracts attention. You can easily prefer this shoe, which will complement your style, for daily use as well as for your special occasions. Thanks to its quality material and careful workmanship, it offers long-lasting use. It provides all-day comfort with its internal structure that prioritizes foot health. Offered with Kemal Tanca Store assurance, this product is available in limited stock. You can determine the most suitable option by comparing the seller scores, delivery conditions and prices of this shoe offered by multiple sellers. You can have free returns within 15 days for your purchases via Trendyol. Remember, you can order a maximum of 10 of this product. Different limits may apply for corporate orders.
Product Features
Additional Information
The product price may vary among sellers depending on factors such as seller score, delivery status, promotions, shipping status, and delivery speed. Different limits may be set for corporate orders. Trendyol reserves the right to cancel orders over 10 units.