We are offering a comprehensive eyelash extension training kit, specially designed for beginners who are looking for a perfect way to master the art of eyelash extensions. This kit has everything you need to become a professional eyelash extension artist.
Silicone Mannequin Head:
This realistic silicone mannequin head provides the perfect platform to practice various eyelash extension techniques. The replaceable eyelids offer the opportunity to practice on different eye shapes and sizes, giving you a realistic experience.
Eyelash Extension Supplies:
The kit includes lashes of various lengths and thicknesses, glues, tweezers, applicators and other necessary supplies. These supplies are high-quality products that you can use with confidence while practicing.
Practice Kits:
Various practice kits are provided to help you improve your eyelash extension skills. These kits include lash tapes, application stencils, and practice lashes. These kits will allow you to learn various eyelash extension styles and techniques.
Perfect for Beginners:
This training kit is perfect for beginners in the art of eyelash extensions. With easy-to-understand instructions and easy-to-use materials, you will quickly gain confidence and be able to create stunning eyelash extensions on your own.
By investing in this training kit, you will gain the necessary skills to start your own business or simply create professional-quality eyelash extensions at home.